So the day that you got baptized was a really awesome day for me because not only did I get to experience your entrance into the kingdom of God, but I got to sit by Luke and hold him up so he could see you when it was going on.
When Joey was telling you that we both promise that Luke and Carter will be raised knowing the Lord, Luke did the funniest thing: he raised his hand and said, "Uncle Joey, I am not going to be raised. I'm not gonna know Jesus or be a Christian. I'm just gonna eat plain hamburgers all day!"
It was the most random thing I've ever heard. But that's so true to who Luke is.
Amy, regardless of what Luke says, Joey and I will fight for your kids in the Spirit realm and the natural. We will present Jesus to them in every way possible. We love them so much, and we love you so much.
I love you so much.
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